
April 22 2021


Ayurvedic Association of Wisconsin (AAW)

Virtual Board Meeting

Thursday, 4/22/21  9am      


Present: Tresa, Susan, Sarah, Heather, Bridgette

Excused: Rebecca

President’s update:

Tresa had shared with us the application for a new board member: Raka Bandyo. She has been actively involved in several committees. Susan made the motion to add her to the board. Bridgette seconded it. The board of directors all voted yes to approve her application to join the board. Welcome Raka!

Tresa asked the board to review a document on the different types of 501c3s and other non-profit statuses. Bridgette broke down the various distinctions. We still felt we needed more clarity around the political piece. Tresa will reach out to Hillary at NAMA for more clarification.

Vice President’s update:

Heather gave us an update on her meeting with NAMA’S State Associations Committee. They are working on templates for businesses, specifically the “Client Agreement Disclaimer.” It was not the same for each state so they recommend each state having an attorney view this document.

Health Freedom Bill. Heather reported that the bill made it through the Senate. It now needs to pass in the House.

Treasurer’s report:

Bridgette shared with us the financials. Susan moved to accept the financial report. Heather seconded it. All present voted “yes.”

Committees’ updates:

Communications and Market: Tresa showed us the two proposals for website hosting. After much research, it was narrowed down to two: Dreamhost and Siteground. After comparing both pros and cons, Sarah made a motion to approve using Siteground. Heather seconded it. All present voted “yes”.

Education and Outreach: Heather told the board that they were ready to publish a blog. Susan asked to edit it. It will hopefully go out soon since it mentions the celebration for Pat Layton. Those wishing to attend that celebration can order some products to use,

during the ceremony, on May 2nd. So we are putting a rush on it. The following blog post will highlight an event on May 23rd.

Diversity and Inclusion. Heather took the training from NAMA. It’s only available to NAMA members. Heather hopes to be able to share it with the rest of us who are not members.

Membership: Sarah shared with us a secret page for membership. Our current website does not handle ecommerce well. So, we need to have the new website to be able to efficiently have members sign up. Susan will take a look at it for editing.

Events: Tresa shared with us the information on the Indu Arora event that is tentatively scheduled for Halloween weekend. Some of the directors were lukewarm on the Sunday event topic, “Five tips for healthy sleep hygiene in Yoga and Ayurveda.” Tresa will talk to Rebecca to see if there is another topic that we like better and to see if there are other dates available.

Our next meeting will be on May 20th at 2:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


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