
November 19 2020


Ayurvedic Association of Wisconsin (AAW)

Virtual Board Meeting

Thursday, 11/19/20  9am      


Present: Tresa, Susan, Rebecca, Sarah, Heather, Bridgette Susan suggested that we start with discussing the topic of becoming a membership organization. The directors were sent a document from the Membership (aka Affiliate) Committee. Some highlights of the document include: -We need to generate income to keep going as an organization. -We have a different price structure for the different levels. -Brainstorming ideas of what benefits one would receive from signing up. Below is NAMA”s recommendations for member benefits. Four times a year, gather as a group Once a year, offer a public event such as a fair or lecture. Four times a year, publish a newsletter Monthly, offer a networking meeting. After much discussion Sarah made a motion “that we allow membership in our organization.” Rebecca seconded it. All present voted yes. Tresa brought up the Meet-up Site. Do we want to continue paying for this given our little bit of money we have right now? Tresa will try to send out a post for the members on our Meet-up site to join AAW’s email list. We are paid until March, so we hope to have them moved over by then. Treasurer’s report. Sarah shared with us the financials. Susan moved to accept the financial report. Heather seconded it. All present voted “yes.” Tresa told the directors that she is almost done with the survey and hopes to have it done by the end of the week. There was a bit of discussion on how to be more inclusive with people of color for both the organization and the board. We discussed making space on the Board for qualified and interested people of color especially those of South Asian descent Our next meeting will be on January 21st at 2 PM. Respectfully submitted, Susan

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